Clinic Schedule
Select your timezone:
Interactive session 1a (dushoff)
- Please join the session five minutes in advance. We will begin promptly.
- Welcome and some logistics (bolton)
- Faculty introductions; introduce DAIDD glossary
- What are we doing here? (vanschalkwyk) UPDATE linking system Slide folder
- Data, models, and science (reiner)
- Working with the DAIDD technical tools (li, bruce) (15 mins)
- Release form?
- ICI3D R package
- Make sure your slides are uploaded for the next session!
- Ice breakers (bruce)
- use this as a chance to introduce some Teams features - silly questions and getting to know you stuff; switch rooms midway through
Interactive session 1b (mthombothi)
- Research pitches
- Order of introductions
- Allow for 15 minute break
- Faculty meeting
Individual session 1
Please complete the following between the end of Sunday’s interactive session and the beginning of Monday’s interactive session.
- Video lecture: Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling bellan
- Plan forward links: dynamics PICO acronym, more time for SIR foundation
- Consider updating the video/create new video
- Video lecture: Introduction to model worlds pulliam
- Reference: Bellan et al. 2015
- Reference: Kucharski et al. 2015
- Exercise: Formulating research questions for modeling projects See Research Questions - PICO__ on the Resources page for some examples. Also available in the Assignments folder in the General Channel of the DAIDD Participants Team
- Recommended reading: If you have not already read the compiled pre-assigned readings, please do so now. These and other optional readings are available through the Pre-readings Folder in the DAIDD Participants Team.
- FB updated link to DAIDD 2023
- Tea with North American Faculty
- Tea with African Faculty
Interactive session 2a (vanschalkwyk)
Do we need a Monday recap? Historically no.
- Summary and questions: Intuitive aspects of dynamics and introduction to model worlds (are)
- Summary should be about individual session 1 videos
- Overview of research plan development and structure (vanschalkwyk) (10 mins?) - Overview of research plan development and structure
- NB this is the 2022 link.
- Tutorial: Dynamical Fever - computer exercise and discussion (bolton and all faculty)
- Leader needs to control time in both directions; groups should know what should be discussed in each portion
- Let’s make sure to discuss the first set of questions before getting into the second set of simulations
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
Interactive session 2b (mwangi)
- Discussion: Dynamical Fever (bolton) model description, modeling terminology, and the DAIDD glossary - Download the taxonomy NOTE (30 mins?)
- Small group session: research questions for modeling projects (all faculty) NOTE (90 mins)
- Faculty meeting
Individual session 2
Please complete the following between the end of Monday’s interactive session and the beginning of Tuesday’s interactive session.
- Exercise: Finalize your research question and post to the Research Questions channel.
- Video lecture: The SIR model family - conceptual framework and introduction to difference and differential equations
- Dushoff double check and decide whether to change it
- Video lecture: Modeling in practice: The life cycle of a modeling project, from conception to publication (reiner)
- Video lecture: optional Integration of Data and Models for schistosomiasis control (deleo)
- Video lecture optional: Omicron Modelling Session at Epidemics8 conference, December 2021
- Tea with North American Faculty
Thumbi is not available on Tuesday Zi is not available 17h30-19h30 SAST
- Tea with African Faculty
Interactive session 3a (li)
- Daily recap (mthombothi) (15 mins)For Interactive Session 2a/b
- Summary and discussion: The SIR model family (dushoff)
- Exercise: Building an SIR model from scratch (dushoff) (30 mins?) NOTE + 5 min stretch break
- 2023 live spreadsheet (copy or save to work on it)
- Spreadsheet with stochastic code
- Summary and discussion: The life cycle of a modeling project (reiner)
- Live lecture: The simplest model (pearson) Slide folder, Source for slides NOTE (45 mins)
- Google sheet NOTE Formerly: Simple individual-based models
Interactive session 3b (reiner)
- Exercise: Simple individual-based models (li) (30 mins)
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- lengthened by 15 minutes for logistical reasons 2022
- Exercise: Creating a model world to address a research question (mwangi)
- ((vanschalkwyk/mwangi)) (90 mins)
- shortened by 15 minutes for logistical reasons 2022
- Faculty meeting
Individual session 3
Please complete the following between the end of Tuesday’s interactive session and the beginning of Wednesday’s interactive session.
- Exercise: Creating a model world assignment.
- Step-by-step guide
- See Notation notes__ on the Resources page
- Upload your initial model diagram before Wednesday’s interactive session (DAIDD Participants > General > Files > 04_modelDiagram > 04.1_InitialDiagrams).
- Video optional: Creating a model world - another example Pulliam
- Research question: What level of vaccination is necessary to eliminate domestic dog rabies in Tanzania?
- Check with Thumbi if we can upload last year’s video
- Video lecture: Stochastic simulation models (borchering) borchering
- Introduction
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Where are the slides?
- Video lecture: Heterogeneity, contact patterns, and modeling options (dushoff)
- Tea with North American Faculty
- Tea with African Faculty
- Zi not available for Tea
Interactive session 4a (are)
- Daily recap (kubjane) (15 mins)
- Summary and discussion: Stochastic simulation models (mthombothi) (15 mins)
- Small-group session: matching models to questions (all faculty) (90 minutes)
Interactive session 4b (li)
- Summary and discussion: Impact of contact patterns, consequences of heterogeneity, and modeling options (dushoff) (15 mins)
- Tutorial: Heterogeneity in disease emergence (reiner, are) (45 mins)
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- TODO make this a link!
- Mid-session feedback (bruce) (60 mins)
- Mid-session post-mortem:
Individual session 4
Please complete the following between the end of Wednesday’s interactive session and the beginning of Thursday’s interactive session.
- Exercise: Update your model diagram and post to Teams before Thursday’s interactive session (DAIDD Participants > General > Files > 04_modelDiagram > 04.2_UpdatedDiagrams).
- Video lecture: Models and data: introduction to model fitting (scott)
- Video lecture optional: Seasonality and Infectious Diseases (deleo)
- Video lecture optional: Introduction to statistical philosophy (dushoff)
- Video lecture optional: Faculty research presentation: The potential for cervical cancer elimination in South Africa (vanschalkwyk) Catch-up on earlier materials, as needed
- Tea with North American Faculty
- Tea with African Faculty
- Zi not available for Tea
Interactive session 5a (dushoff)
- Regroup after feedback (vanschalkwyk) (20 mins)
- Alert all participants to the deadline to upload. They will be alllocated in groups accordingly - based on whether they submitted.
- FB to allocate based on those who have submitted - update! update! update!
- Daily recap (mhlanga) (15 mins)
- Summary and discussion: Models and data: introduction to model fitting (vanschalkwyk) (15 mins)
- Writing exercise: description of proposed model and assumptions (mthombothi) (65 mins?) Model telephone
Interactive session 5b (mthombothi)
- Tutorial: Model fitting (are) (90 mins?) - Tutorial notes
- (Tutorial wrapup by dushoff) - Boxcar Model Slides
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- Review: model taxonomy (bolton) Set up ‘planning your approach exercise’
- Faculty meeting
Individual session 5
Please complete the following between the end of Thursday’s interactive session and the beginning of Friday’s interactive session.
- Exercise: Finalize your model diagram and description and post to Teams bruce to make folders for assignments
- Place them both as a single file in DAIDD Participants > General > Files > 05_modelDescription
- See Notation notes__ on the Resources page
- Now would also be a good time to review the research plan instructions
- Exercise: Work through the document for planning your approach (available in DAIDD Participants > General > Files > Assignments)
- Video lecture: Model evaluation and comparison (dushoff)
- This video needs to be re-edited! Why did nobody tell me‽
- Look around minute 24!
- Handouts and slides are in Teams slide folder
- This video needs to be re-edited! Why did nobody tell me‽
- 2022 link Possible social activity (Game night) - eg, from c. 21:30 JD will bring beer; JP will source games
- Tea with North American Faculty
- Tea with African Faculty
- Zi not available for Tea
Interactive session 6a (vanschalkwyk)
- Daily recap (mhlanga) (15 mins)
- Summary and discussion: Model evaluation and comparison (dushoff) (20 mins?)
- Live lecture: Modelling to inform policy: Modelling the South African adult TB epidemic: Exploring the effects of HIV, sex differences, and assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of TB programme interventions (kubjane)
- Onchocerciasis (nyamai) what is up with this link??
- Onchocerciasis (Mutono Nyamai)
- OLD: Slides, Related papers: Flasche et al. 2016, Hladish et al. 2016 NOTE (85 mins?)
Interactive session 6b (vanschalkwyk)
- Live lecture: Model-based inference and the bigger picture (reiner) (30 mins)
- Need to update this lecture!
- Slides (by Bellan)
- Kucharski et al. Ebola paper
- Camacho Ebola paper
- Bellan HIV paper
- Review and Discussion (Moderator: vanschalkwyk) (30 mins free form discussion / Q&A on topics raised by participants)
- Small group session: planning your approach (all faculty) (60 mins)
- Faculty meeting
Individual session 6
Please complete the following between the end of Friday’s interactive session and the beginning of Saturday’s interactive session.
- Writing exercise: revise based on feedback and plan for moving forward (including identified resources and potential collaborators)
- Submit your final research plan via Teams
- Submit your final slide via teams
- Include your research question and model diagram on a single page in a PDF document
- Video lecture optional: COVID-19: from pandemic to endemic? Vaccination, reopening & evolution in highly vaccinated settings (Faculty research presentation) (are)
- Video lecture optional: Use of models in public health decision-making II: COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub Webinar (Faculty research presentation) (borchering)
- Does this need to be updated?
- Current link is apparently to Becky et al. (MIDAS)
- [Slides] NOTE update link!
- Slides, Reference: Bellan et al. (2015) Lancet Inf Dis, Ebola Papers by ICI3D Faculty
- Video lecture optional: Modelling to inform policy: Describing immunity gaps and polio transmission potential for poliovirus in SA (Faculty research presentation) (mthombothi)
- Video lecture optional: Modelling to inform policy: Elimination of transmission of onchocerciasis with Ivermectin mass drug administraton with or without vector control in sub-Saharan Africa (nyamai)
Special session (North America) 22:00-23:30
- One-on-one mentoring sessions
- Schedule posted on Teams
- [Schedule] NOTE update link!
Individual session 7
- There will not be a tea session today
- There will not be a tea session today
- Zi not available for Tea
Special session (Africa) 15:00-16:30
- One-on-one mentoring sessions with Bolton, Mwangi, Cari, and Zinhle NOTE Schedule to be posted
- Schedule posted on Teams
- [Schedule] NOTE update link!
Interactive session 7a (are)
Interactive session 7b
- Final feedback session (bruce) (60-90 mins)
- Closing session (vanschalkwyk) (15 mins)