2021 Schedule
This is an archived version of the schedule from the Schedule clinic. Some links may not work at this time.
The MMED program includes a number of parallel sessions for participants with different backgrounds. Track A is designed for those with a mathematical background, particularly those who have extensive training and/or experience with differential equation models of infectious disease dynamics. Track B is designed for those with a background in epidemiology and/or statistics, particularly those who are involved in data collection for infectious disease systems.
Monday, 28 June
Interactive session 1a
- Please join the session by 16:25. We will begin promptly at 16:30.
- 16:30-16:55 Welcome and motivation (Juliet Pulliam, Mutono Nyamai, and John Hargrove)
- 16:55-17:40 Lecture: Public Health, Epidemiology, and Models (Jonathan Dushoff)
- 17:40-17:50 Organizational session: MMED Road Map and programme overview (Rebecca Borchering)
- 17:50-18:05 Organizational session: Working with the MMED technical tools (Carl Pearson)
- 18:05-18:30 Ice breakers (Faikah Bruce)
Interactive session 1b
- 19:30-21:00 Tutorial: Dynamical Fever - computer exercise and discussion (Juliet Pulliam, all faculty assisting)
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- 21:00-21:30 Discussion: Dynamical Fever (John Hargrove)
Individual session 1
Please complete the following between the end of Monday’s interactive session and the beginning of Tuesday’s interactive session.
- Video lecture: Introduction to thinking about data I (John Hargrove)
- Video lecture: Introduction to dynamic modeling of infectious diseases (Steve Bellan)
- Video lecture (Track A): Introduction to infectious disease data (Thumbi Mwangi)
- Video lecture (Track B): Foundations of dynamic modeling (Jonathan Dushoff)
- Written exercise: Formulating research questions for modeling projects
Computer exercise: This is to assess your understanding from completing Tutorials 1-3. Download this script, which provides instructions. When you’re done, upload your modified script to Teams->General->Files->Integration123 folder, changing the file name to begin with your initials. Recommend: work with a partner or few, but you’ll each need to upload a script. Note that the wording “when you’re done”–if you can’t finish in a few hours, upload the progress you do make. In addition, please be prepared to ask any questions you had from going through Tutorials 1-3.
- Make sure your slides are uploaded for the Research Pitches!
- Upload the PDF version of your 1-slide research pitch to the 01_pitchSlides folder on the MMED Participants Team on Microsoft Teams. Use the file naming convention 01_SurnameFirstname_pitch.pdf.
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Tuesday, 29 June
Interactive session 2a
- 16:30-17:30 Research Pitches I (Moderator: Jonathan Dushoff)
- 17:30-17:50 Summary and Discussion: Introduction to thinking about data I (Reshma Kassanjee)
- 17:50-18:10 Summary and Discussion: Introduction to dynamic modeling of infectious diseases (Zinhle Mthombothi)
- 18:10–18:30 Parallel sessions
- Track A - Summary and Discussion: Introduction to infectious disease data (Thumbi Mwangi)
- Track B - Summary and Discussion: Foundations of dynamic modeling (Cari van Schalkwyk)
Interactive session 2b
- 19:30-20:00 Tutorial review: Questions about Tutorials 1-3 (Carl Pearson and all)
- Please be prepared to ask any questions you had from going through Tutorials 1-3.
- 20:00-21:30 Small group session: research questions for modeling projects (All faculty)
Individual session 2
- Video lecture: (Hidden) assumptions of simple ODE models (Juliet Pulliam)
- Coding demonstration: Introduction to model implementation (Cari van Schalkwyk)
- Computer exercise: Lab 1 - ODE models in R
- For Track A
- Video lecture: Introduction to Thinking About Data II (Reshma Kassanjee)
- Computer exercise: Tutorial 4 - Visualizing Infectious Disease Data in R
- For Track B
- Video lecture: Basic stochastic simulation model series: Intro, Part 1, Part 2 (slides here and on Teams) (Rebecca Borchering)
- Computer exercise: Exercise 1 - Basic stochastic simulation models: corresponding video, Rscript
- Note: Track A will do this later in the week
- Video lecture: Impact of contact patterns, consequences of heterogeneity, and modeling options (Jonathan Dushoff)
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Wednesday, 30 June
Interactive session 3a
- 16:30-16:45 Summary and Discussion: (Hidden) assumptions of simple ODE models (Juliet Pulliam)
- 16:45-16:55 Summary and Discussion: Introduction to model implementation (Cari van Schalkwyk)
- 16:55-17:05 Lab 1 Summary (Larisse Bolton)
- 17:05-17:30 Parallel sessions
- Track A - Summary and Discussion:
- Introduction to Thinking About Data II (Reshma Kassanjee)
- Tutorial 4 Summary (Mutono Nyamai)
- Track B - Summary and Discussion:
- Basic stochastic simulation models (Rebecca Borchering)
- Exercise 1 Summary (Rebecca Borchering)
- Track A - Summary and Discussion:
- 17:30-18:30 Research Pitches II (Moderator: Jonathan Dushoff)
Interactive session 3b
- 19:30-19:45 Summary and Discussion: Impact of contact patterns, consequences of heterogeneity, and modeling options (John Hargrove)
- 19:45-20:30 Computer session: Lab 2 - Consequences of heterogeneity in disease emergence (Carl Pearson and all)
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- 20:30-20:40 Lab 2 Summary (Carl Pearson)
- 20:40-21:10 Discussion: MMED research projects (Cari van Schalkwyk)
- 21:10-21:30 Mini-feedback session (Faikah Bruce)
Individual session 3
- Video lecture: Introduction to models and data: HIV in Harare (John Hargrove)
- Video lecture: Real-world examples (faculty research presentations) - Please watch at least one of the following lectures; if you have time, watch the other one, but if you need to focus on catching up on material from the past few days, that should be your priority.
- Hargrove on tsetse fly population dynamics
- Pulliam on COVID - Please note that this lecture is from almost a year ago; a lot has changed since then!
- Tutorial catch-up and review
- Read through the descriptions of potential research projects (and discuss during tea)
- Come prepared to ask questions about projects during Interactive session 4b
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Thursday, 1 July
Interactive session 4a
- 16:30-17:50 Computer session: Model fitting (John Hargrove)
- 17:50-18:10 (Tutorial wrapup by Jonathan Dushoff) Boxcar Model Slides
- To get started, run the following command at the R Studio command line (after installing the ICI3D package):
- 18:10-18:30 Issues arising (mini-feedback, content in general) (Thumbi Mwangi)
Interactive session 4b
- 19:30-21:00 Parallel sessions
- Track A
- Live lecture: Study Design and Analysis in Epidemiology I: Where does modeling fit? (Cari van Schalkwyk)
- Computer session: Lab 3 - Study Design in Epidemiology
- Track B
- Exercise: Creating a model world to address a research question (Thumbi Mwangi)
- Exercise: Creating a model world to address a research question (Thumbi Mwangi)
- Track A
- 21:00-21:30 Discussion: MMED Projects (Zinhle Mthombothi)
Individual session 4
- Video lecture: Introduction to statistical philosophy
- Video lecture: Introduction to likelihood (Jim Scott)
- You may also want to watch this (longer) video on the same topic, which goes into more detail (optional, Steve Bellan)
- Computer exercise: Lab 5 - Introduction to likelihood
- For Track A
- Video lecture: Basic stochastic simulation model series: Intro, Part 1, Part 2 (slides here and on Teams) (Rebecca Borchering)
- Computer exercise: Exercise 1 - Basic stochastic simulation models: corresponding video, Rscript
- For Track B
- Exercise: Creating a model world assignment
- Step-by-step guide
- Upload your initial model diagram before Friday’s interactive session (MMED Participants > General > Files > 04_modelDiagram > 04.1_InitialDiagrams)
- Exercise: Creating a model world assignment
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Friday, 2 July
Interactive session 5a
- 16:30-16:45 Summary and Discussion: Introduction to statistical philosophy (Reshma Kassanjee)
- 16:45-17:00 Summary and Discussion: Introduction to Likelihood (Cari van Schalkwyk)
- 17:00-18:30 Interactive lecture: Participatory coding of a dynamical model (Carl Pearson)
Interactive session 5b
- 19:30-20:30 Mentor presentations (Moderator: Bobby Reiner)
- 20:30-21:30 Mid-session feedback (Faikah Bruce)
Individual session 5
- Video lecture: Likelihood fitting and dynamic models, Part 1: Dynamic Model Fitting and Inference Robustness (Jonathan Dushoff, slides by Juliet Pulliam)
- Video lecture: Introduction to GitHub
- Tutorial catch-up
- Project preferences questionnaire [due by 12:00 on Monday]
- Tutorial review and mentoring sessions questionnaire [due by 19:30 on Monday]
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
Saturday, 3 July
(free day)
Sunday, 4 July
(free day)
Monday, 5 July
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Interactive session 6a
- 16:30-17:15 Interactive lecture: Data, models and science (Jonathan Dushoff)
- 17:15-17:30 Organizational session: Schedule and goals for the second week (Rebecca Borchering)
- 17:30-18:15 Computer session: Introduction to GitHub (discussion and tutorial) (Carl Pearson)
- 18:15-18:30 Summary and Discussion: Likelihood fitting and dynamic models, Part 1: Dynamic Model Fitting and Inference Robustness (Juliet Pulliam)
Note: Please complete the tutorial review and mentoring sessions questionnaire by 19:30 on Monday!
Interactive session 6b
- 19:30-20:45 Parallel sessions
- Track A
- Lecture: Study Design and Analysis in Epidemiology II - RCTs (Reshma Kassanjee)
- Computer session: Lab 4 - Study design for clinical trials (Reshma Kassanjee)
- Track B
- Writing exercise: description of proposed model and assumptions (Zinhle Mthombothi)
- Track A
- 20:45-21:30 Work session: Project groups meet for the first time (Work plans for group projects) (all)
Individual session 6
- Video lecture: Modeling in practice: The life cycle of a modeling project, from conception to publication (John Hargrove)
- Tutorial catch-up, as needed
- Work on group project
- One-on-one mentoring sessions
- Coding demonstration: Participatory Coding of a Dynamic Model (Steve Bellan) (optional)
- Note that this is the 2017 version of the participatory coding session that Carl Pearson ran on Friday. The model diagram used in this version comes from the 2017 Creating a Model World session led by Juliet Pulliam, which can be viewed here (also optional).
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Tuesday, 6 July
Interactive session 7a
- 16:30-17:30 Lecture: Likelihood fitting and dynamic models II (Bobby Reiner)
- 17:30-18:00 Tutorial review: Q&A on all tutorials to date (Juliet Pulliam and all)
- 18:00-18:30 Work session: Group projects
Interactive session 7b
- 19:30-20:30 Interactive lecture: Study design and simulation-based validation (Jonathan Dushoff
- 20:30-21:30 Real-world example: Faculty research lecture ((hladish))
Individual session 7
- Computer Session: Lab 6 - MLE fitting of an SIR model to prevalence data
- Video lecture: Data wrangling: Data management and cleaning (Thumbi Mwangi)
- Computer Session: Tutorial 5 - Data cleaning and management in R
- Video lecture: Real-world example (faculty research presentation): COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub Webinar (Rebecca Borchering)
- Work on group project
- One-on-one mentoring sessions
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Wednesday, 7 July
Interactive session 8a
- 16:30-16:45 Summary and Discussion: Data wrangling: Data management and cleaning (Thumbi Mwangi)
- 16:45-16:55 Tutorial 5 Summary (Jonathan Dushoff)
- 16:55-18:00 Live Lecture: Introduction to Monte Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC) (Carl Pearson)
- 18:00-18:30 Work session: Group projects
Interactive session 8b
- 19:30-20:30 Interactive session: Modelling for policy (Moderators: Rebecca Borchering and Carl Pearson)
- 20:30-21:30 Real-world example: Faculty research lecture (Michael Li)
Individual session 8
- Video lecture: Model assessment (Jonathan Dushoff)
- Computer session: Lab 7 - MCMC fitting in R
- Computer session: Lab 8 - MCMC fitting in R (optional)
- Work on group project
- One-on-one mentoring sessions
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Thursday, 8 July
Interactive session 9a
- 16:30-16:45 Summary and Discussion: Model assessment (Jonathan Dushoff)
- 16:45-16:55 Lab 6 Summary (Bobby Reiner)
- 16:55-17:10 Summary and Discussion: Faculty research presentation (John Hargrove)
- 17:10-18:30 Work session: Group projects and One-on-one mentoring sessions (cross-time zone)
Interactive session 9b
- 19:30-19:50 Labs 7 and 8 Summary (Reshma Kassanjee)
- 19:50-21:30 Work session: Group projects and One-on-one mentoring sessions
Individual session 9
- Tutorial catch-up, as needed
- Work on group project
- Finalize project presentations and upload to Teams (00_FinalPresentations folder) by 15:30
- One-on-one mentoring sessions
- 22:30 Tea with North American Faculty
- 11:00 Tea with African Faculty
Friday, 9 July
Interactive session 10a
- 16:30-18:30 Group project presentations (Larisse Bolton)
Interactive session 10b
- 19:30-21:00 Final feedback session (Faikah Bruce)
- 21:00-21:15 Closing session (Jonathan Dushoff and all)