Jim Scott, MPH, PhD
Founding Faculty MemberFaculty Member, MMED and DAIDD clinics
Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Colby College, Waterville, ME, USA
PhD in Epidemiology, UC Berkeley (2007)
MA in Biostatistics, UC Berkeley (2004)
MPH in Public Health, UC Berkeley (2001)
BA in Mathematics, Macalester College (1996)
About: Jim is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Colby College. He has worked as a computer programmer, an epidemiologist for the State of California, and a research associate at the University of California, Berkeley. His research has focused on causal inference and on transmission of infectious diseases including HIV, tuberculosis, and water-borne pathogens.
Selected publications:
Scott JC, Shah N, Porco TC, Flood J. (2015) Cost resulting from anti-tuberculosis drug shortages in the United States - a hypothetical cohort study. PLoS ONE
Eisenberg JNS, Goldstick J, Cevallos W, Trueba G, Levy K, Scott JC, Percha B, Segovia R, Ponce K, Hubbard A, Marrs C, Foxman B, Smith DL, Trostle J. (2011) In-roads to the spread of antibiotic resistance - regional patterns of microbial transmission in northern coastal Ecuador. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Eisenberg JNS, Scott JC, Porco TC. (2007) Integrating public health control strategies - Balancing water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrheal disease burden. American Journal of Public Health