Calistus Ngonghala, PhD
Faculty Member, MMED 2016-2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
About: Calistus is an Assistant Professor of Mathematical Biology in the Department of Mathematics and Emerging Pathogens Institute (EPI) at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, USA. He was an MMED participant in 2010 and joined the Workshop Faculty in 2016. His research focuses on developing mathematical frameworks of coupled natural-human systems to understand the ecology of poverty from the perspective of infectious disease dynamics, agriculture (renewable resources), environmental (land-use) change and socio-economic conditions.
Selected publications:
Garchitorena, Ngonghala, Guegan, Texier, Bellanger, Roche, Bonds. (2015) Economic inequality caused by feedbacks between poverty and the dynamics of a rare tropical disease - the case of Buruli ulcer in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of Royal Society B (Biological Sciences)
Ngonghala, Plucinski, Murray, Farmer, Barrett, Keenan, Bonds. (2014) Poverty, disease, and the ecology of complex systems. PLoS Biology